Browsing All Posts published on »May, 2011«

Troicki Gets Testy at the French Open

May 31, 2011


At the end of the big match of the day, the Serbian Victor Troicki versus Englishman Andy Murray, all that anyone seems to be able to talk about is the ball boy. Now, this may seem strange if you didn’t tune into the match. In a strange turn of events, just as Troicki ran to […]

Overexposed to Under-clothed, Underaged Girls

May 27, 2011


I’m beginning to wonder if I’m the only one who is tired of being bombarded with music videos of teeny boppers in teeny bikinis? It started with Britney Spears, the proposed princess of pop (of which kingdom Madonna or Gaga, depending on your opinion, is surely queen), in her “Hit Me Baby One More Time” video. Okay, […]

FarmVille: Enemy of the 21st Century?

May 22, 2011


If you’re active on the internet, have had a conversation with someone who is active on the internet, or well, if you simply exist in the 21st century, you’ve heard of Farmville. On the off-chance that you haven’t, I’ll mention that it’s a virtual farming game, produced by Zynga, that became popular when first hosted […]

Glee Fresh Meat

May 21, 2011


If you’re a Gleek, you’re probably just as enthused with this new Glee season as I am. Already, (spoiler alert!) Emma Pillsbury has re-confessed her attraction to Mr. Schuester, Brittany, Santana, and Quinn have quit the Cheerios, Santana has come out to Brittany, and Kurt has finally found the man of his dreams, all amidst […]